Make an Appointment: | [email protected]

  • Rhiannon Richards, Certified Massage Therapist

    My name is Rhi, and I’m a CAMTC certified massage therapist who specializes in deep tissue and focused work, but also Swedish, Thai, mud wraps, cupping, and hot stone massage. I enjoy helping people overcome and resolve chronic pain stemming from injury, overuse, or just everyday life.

    We put our bodies through tremendous amounts of stress every single day, and massage can help alleviate the constant discomfort that most people have come to accept. Every person’s body is different, therefore every massage I give is tailored to your specific needs and concerns. I’d love to help you come up with your own custom treatment plan that helps achieve your body wellness goals!


    Swedish- $80 for 60 minutes
    $120 for 90 minutes

    Deep Tissue- $80 for 60 minutes
    $120 for 90 minutes

    Thai- $85 for 60 minutes

    Hot stone- $125 for 90 minutes

    Mud wraps- $120 for 60 minutes
    $175 for 90 minutes
    $225 for 120 minutes


    Cash, Venmo, Zelle, or check
    24 hour cancellation required

    Phone number: (209) 206-1058
    Email: [email protected]